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Found 5096 results for any of the keywords traffic deaths. Time 0.009 seconds.
Multnomah County, Street Roots release 2022 Domicile Unknown report ofMirroring national trends, fentanyl-related deaths and traffic deaths continue to rise
Car accidents with pedestrians, cyclists are too common in U.S.Car accident-related deaths of pedestrians and cyclists are an epidemic and deserve to be treated like the public health crisis they are.
Safe System Approach | GHSAThe Safe System approach to roadway safety envisions eliminating fatal and serious injuries for all road users by creating a transportation system that accommodates human mistakes and keeps impacts on the human body at t
glassBYTEs Headlines Archives - glassBYTEs.comglassBYTEs.comUse this category for standard stories.
Bicyclists, Pedestrians Micromobility | Governors Highway Safety AssWalking and biking are healthy, environmentally friendly transportation options. Unfortunately, pedestrians and cyclists are at an inherent disadvantage when involved in traffic crashes.
Older Drivers | NHTSAIf you are an older driver or a caregiver, NHTSA encourages you to talk about driving safety. In 2022, the number of traffic deaths — 8,572 — involving a driver 65 and older was the highest since at least 1975. We offer
Equity | GHSABlack, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) in the United States experience historic and systemic racism that impacts all aspects of life, including transportation, which is intertwined with socioeconomic status, housi
Brain Injuries Help: Crashing of the Mind After Traumatic BrainTroubleshooting Guide for Brain Injuries provides info on severe head injury, coma, concussion and post concussion syndrome.
ACRM Brain Injury Definition: The Definition of Mild Brain InjuThe ACRM brain injury definition was a break through in 1993 when it was authored, as it was one of the first peer reviewed definitions of MTBI s.
Paying Brain Injury Medical Bills: Will Obama Care Help?This is an essay I wrote years ago about paying brain injury medical bills. It is hoped that Obama Care will dramatically improve access to care.
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